Instructor: JHU Project BioEYES
Ages: rising 4th and 5th graders
Dates: Week 7 (July 29 - Aug 2)
Times: half day (9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
Cost: $420
Become a scientist by working with live zebrafish to learn about human and fish development! Campers will mate zebrafish, and care for their see-through embryos over the course of one week to the larval stage. They will also make drawings and observations of their fish and babies, look at them under high-powered microscopes, and compare humans and zebrafish. We will also learn about how the fish’s natural tropical environment is similar to and different from where the campers live, what human and zebrafish embryos both need to survive and where they get it, how gills are different than lungs, and the function of our respective hearts.
*This camp runs from 10-12. Campers may be dropped off at 9 and enjoy playground and game time with counselors from 9-10.
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