Matching Challenge Honors RPCS Graduate and Supports DEI Initiatives

Matching Challenge Honors RPCS Graduate and Supports DEI Initiatives
An anonymous alumna recently approached RPCS with a generous matching challenge to name the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in honor of alumna Diane Hutchins, 1972. This donor pledged $100,000 to Roland Park Country School, if the school can raise an additional $150,000 for our endowment to unlock the match.
Over the years, Diane has made a significant impact on the Roland Park Country School community through her service as a Trustee, member of the Alumnae Cherry Tree Council and founding member of the Red and White Legacy. She was also the Commencement Speaker at RPCS in 1993.
“That there are those who believe that my involvement with RPCS is worthy of this honor is a recognition I could never have imagined,” said Diane when she heard about the anonymous pledge and the plans to promote the diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at RPCS. “But more importantly, I am thrilled that RPCS is moving forward in its understanding that education entails having students, faculty, staff, and parents realize that there is much to be learned from those who do not look like me or think like me or have life experiences that are like mine or to what I am accustomed. That RPCS can develop an appreciation of all those who are a part of the school is the most gratifying outcome there can be.”
The money raised will be put into an endowment for enhanced Diversity Equity and Inclusion initiatives, including a DEI speaker series for the community, a proposed eighth grade civil rights trip, and faculty, staff and student participation in the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) People of Color Conference and Student Diversity Leadership Conference and The Privilege Institute’s White Privilege conference.
“Our school actively promotes a diverse, equitable and inclusive teaching and learning environment and this work has never been more important than it is right now,” said Caroline Blatti, Head of School. “I am incredibly grateful for the generosity of this matching challenge to help support our efforts as a community to stand up for what is right, consider perspectives of those who are often marginalized and initiate dialogue across differences."
After her time at Roland Park Country School, Diane graduated from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County with a degree in Political Science. A veteran lobbyist and government affairs professional, Diane served in lobbying, public relations and administrative capacities for the state of Maryland and two county governments in the Baltimore region, prior to being named Vice President and Director of Governmental Relations for the Greater Baltimore Committee from 1998 through 2001. She then worked in government affairs in Georgia for several years before returning to Maryland in 2009 as Baltimore City's Director of Government Relations, lead legislative liaison and advocate in the State House. She presently serves as Vice President of Government Relations for the Maryland Zoo in Baltimore. In addition to her work with RPCS, Diane's community involvement and former board service includes the Women's Industrial Exchange and Maryland Art Place, and, while in Atlanta, the Board of Directors of the Atlanta-Fulton Public Library System.
All gifts to this initiative will go to an endowment to support Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. For information on how to make a gift to this initiative, please contact Cory Birdsall, Director of Development at or 410-323-5503.
For information on how to support DEI initiatives through the Annual Fund, please contact Caitlin Donati, Director of Annual Giving at

Diane Hutchins, 1972, recipient of the Alumnae McCauley Bowl 2019, with her cousin Erica Cryor.