Admissions Representative: Work as a liaison between the PA Board and the Admissions Office by regularly meeting with Admissions and reporting back to the PA Board, attending Admissions events, helping prospective families navigate through the admissions process, and welcoming those that enroll.
Alumnae Association Representative: Serve as a liaison between the PA and the Alumnae Board.
Committee Chair: The Parents’ Association sponsors several events and activities throughout the year, which are planned by committees. Committee Chairs are needed for: Uniform Resale Shop, Holiday Fair, Holiday Decor Sales, Night Under The Stars, Employee Appreciation, Diversity, Post-Prom, Alumnae Association, and Admissions. Full descriptions are available online in the Parents’ Association by-laws.
Diversity: Serve as a liaison to the RPCS community on behalf of the Parents’ Association by identifying opportunities to educate and expose the RPCS community to the myriad of definitions of diversity, equity and inclusion education.
Division Chair: Serve as a liaison between the Grade Representatives and the Division Heads promoting sound communication between the School and the Parent Network. Appointed by the PA. 1 per division. Full description available online in the Parents’ Association by-laws.
Employee Appreciation: A way to celebrate our wonderful teachers, administrators, and every employee at RPCS. Volunteer opportunities include assisting the hospitality staff, donating baked goods or gift cards to the raffle basket, and serving the staff.
Golf Classic: This annual fundraiser attracts nearly 100 participants from RPCS and the greater community. Held at a local private club, this is a fun-filled event with contests, awards, food and camaraderie. Volunteers are needed to help plan the outing. This is a great opportunity to support the school and enjoy time out on the golf course! Check out the Golf Classic website here!
Grade Representative: Serve as a liaison between the parents and the Parents’ Association. Attend monthly meetings and communicate with parents on an as-needed basis to disseminate information about PA, divisional, and grade events. Report to the PA Division Chair.
Holiday Decor Sale: Coordinate our annual holiday decor (e.g., wreaths, bows, garland, poinsettias, etc.) and seasonal fall and spring plant sales. Decor and plants are pre-ordered and distributed at the school. All proceeds go to RPCS and benefit various Parents’ Association initiatives.
Holiday Fair: Our annual December friend-raiser and fundraiser kicks off the holiday season for all ages with vendors, class games, and a popular Holiday Decor/Greens sale. Multiple volunteer opportunities include: assisting students in planning and running the grade-level booths, organizing a vendor, helping with baked goods and food tables and preparing raffle baskets. Grade-level representatives are needed to serve as liaisons between the Chairperson and parents and coordinate volunteers.
Post-Prom Events: Post-Prom committee organizes the post-prom party. Also manages fundraising and coordinating many aspects of the prom events, including venue, security, and transportation.
Red Hot Run: This annual fundraiser includes a 5K, Family Fun Walk and post- race celebration, and attracts between 400-500 participants from RPCS and the greater community. At least 40 volunteers are needed on race day to cover the registration tables, water tables, post-race party, finish line and to serve as course marshals. This is a great opportunity to support the school and cheer for all those out on the course! Check out the Red Hot Run website here!
Uniform Resale Shop: Several times throughout the school year, the Uniform Resale Shop sells gently used uniforms and accessories from all divisions at rock bottom prices. Volunteers are needed to assist with sorting and selling.
Volunteer Coordinator: Create and collect parent volunteer lists and distribute to the appropriate committee chairs, assist the Full Board in recruiting and tracking volunteers, and assist each division chair with applicable parent volunteer lists.