RPCS Alumnae Weekend

alum weekend banner

Join us for Alumnae Weekend 2025 when we will celebrate classes ending in 0 and 5. For more information, please see a detailed schedule below. Registration will open in early 2025!

2025 alumnae weekend schedule

Alumnae Weekend Schedule

Alumnae Weekend Hotel

A hotel room block for Alumnae Weekend has been arranged at the Delta Hotel Baltimore North. Details are below:

Delta Hotel

Delta Hotel Baltimore North
5100 Falls Road
Baltimore, Maryland, 21210

Start Date: Friday, April 25, 2025
End Date: Sunday, April 27, 2025
Last Day to Book: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Click here to reserve your hotel room.


As a group, the Reunion Planning and Giving Committee:

  • Serves as a liaison between your class and the Alumnae Office leading up to Reunion Weekend
    • Participate in occasional committee meetings during the year
    • Live out of town? It’s fine to call in!
    • Coordinates your class dinner and any other additional events your class would like to hold
    • Encourages classmates to attend the Alumnae Weekend events
    • Encourages classmates to participate in the Reunion Giving Effort
  • Helps establish class gift goals and allocations. 
  • Lends signature to the fall letter
  • If schedule allows, joins for Fall Phonathon and Spring RedRaiser to call fellow classmates

Join your class reunion committee!