Doctor of Audiology and Owner, Chippendale Audiology
There are currently over 4,000 members of the Alumnae Association throughout the United States and around the world. The Alumnae Office strives to ensure each graduate feels a life-long connection with classmates and Roland Park Country School. Members of the Alumnae Association uphold the School’s philosophy, support RPCS financially, celebrate the School community, and preserve and sustain the traditions and history of Roland Park Country School. Each of you will always hold a special place in our hearts. We hope you will stay connected!
REDS in the Real World
Meet our alumnae! Our graduates have gone on to do incredible things and make our world a better place. Even though their paths have taken them all over the globe, their memories of RPCS keep them connected throughout the years. See what some of our REDS are up to in the real world!
Alumna Spotlight: Dani Makia, 2009
Dani Makia, 2009 with Alumnae Association President Cary Zink Kassouf, 1995
Since 1901, Roland Park Country School has been graduating driven and spirited women who take the world by storm. Many of our alumnae can pinpoint a moment, a class, or a teacher who inspired them to be the women they are today. Although these three women profiled here have had different career paths and a diverse range of experiences, you can clearly see how they credit their remarkable teachers at RPCS for pushing them – teaching them lessons that they now pay forward to others.
Student, Columbia Law School
Engineer, Director at Jensen Hughes
Medical Director of Johns Hopkins Cardiology at Greenspring Station
Film Director for Breathing Black and screenplay writer
President of the consumer-advocacy organization Public Citizen
NYU School of Law Professor
Art dealer and gallery owner
President and CEO of Port Discovery Children’s Museum
Medical student at St. George's University School of Medicine
Photojournalist, Richmond Free Press
Assistant Professor of Infectious Disease, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Head Coach, Women's Lacrosse, University of North Carolina
World War II Spy, Special Operations Executive
Psychiatric Nurse, New York State Office of Mental Health
Military Sexual Trauma Services Coordinator and Black/African American Employment Special Emphasis Program Manager at Edith Nourse Rogers Memorial (ENRM) VA Medical Center
Associate Professor at Nebraska Medicine and Author
Vice President of Advocacy and Outreach, American Gas Association
Environmental Scientist
Medical Doctor, Pediatric Critical Care, St. Christopher's Hospital for Children in Philadelphia
Medical Officer, Office of Oncologic Diseases, U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Graduate Research Assistant, PhD, Astronomer
Chief of Party, Development Innovations (DAI Global, LLC)
Owner, SLM Dances
Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Associate Director, Mayo Clinic Neural Engineering Laboratories/Published Novelist
Record Requests
If you are an RPCS alumna or former student and the institution you are affiliated with or applying to requests school records (such as an official transcript), please click here for more information.