Visual Arts
The Visual Arts enable students to become visually and culturally literate, to apply critical and creative thinking, and to demonstrate problem-solving through a variety of media combining technical adeptness with the development of a personal aesthetic and quality of thought.
With training in the visual arts, students deepen their connections to their imaginations and world around them, strengthen their ability to articulate their ideas, and learn the skills necessary to become engaged citizens.
Our studio art classes are spacious and light-filled with views out onto the school grounds. RPCS Studio Art rooms house the materials and equipment capable of producing a wide range of works, from Commedia del’ arte inspired masks and hand-made artist’s books, to life sized oil paintings. In the Ceramics program, students build clay objects by hand and at one of 7 potter’s wheels. In photography, a student can work traditionally at one of 10 enlargers or with the latest Adobe Creative Suite software on her personal laptop or one of the many Macs in the digital media lab.
In the Classroom
The Sarah Neilson Curlett Arts Center occupies an entire wing on the second floor of the school and houses the Hartman Middle School Arts Studio, an Upper School arts studio and digital media lab, the Shaughnessy Ceramics/Sculpture Studio, the Tilghman Photography Lab and adjoining prep room, and a wood shop. The Donkervoet Lower School Arts Studio is on the second floor in the Lower School wing.