The RPCS Newspaper is proud to announce its release of the first issue of the Reds Report. It was a lot of work, but I was so excited to be a part of it!
Sophie Christoff
Name: Sophie Christoff
Year: Senior (Class of 2022)
Clubs/Sports: Roses Dance Ensemble, Community Service Association, Power Lunch Club, swim team manager, FOCUS Bible Study, Red Key Ambassador, Peer Health Mentor, Newspaper
Fun Fact: In middle school, I founded the Middle School Dance Company
Hi, my name is Sophie Christoff. I am a senior this year, and I have been a Roland Park Red since kindergarten. I have continued to pursue my passion in the Upper School as Co-President of Reds Dance Company and member of the Roses Dance Ensemble. I have been class representative for Community Service Association for four years. I swam on the Reds swim team for 2 years and will serve as the team manager this winter. I am a member of Power Lunch club which invests school money into the stock market, and FOCUS bible study. I am a Red Key Ambassador, Social Media Ambassador, Peer Health mentor for middle and uppers school students, and a writer and for the RPCS Newspaper.
Sophie's Blogs
The Halloween season is upon us, and Roland Park is preparing for our annual traditions. Read on to see which are my favorite and what each Division does to celebrate!