Sophie Christoff

 Name: Sophie Christoff
 Year: Senior (Class of 2022)
 Clubs/Sports: Roses Dance Ensemble, Community Service Association, Power Lunch Club, swim team manager, FOCUS Bible Study, Red Key Ambassador, Peer Health Mentor, Newspaper
 Fun Fact: In middle school, I founded the Middle School Dance Company

Hi, my name is Sophie Christoff. I am a senior this year, and I have been a Roland Park Red since kindergarten. I have continued to pursue my passion in the Upper School as Co-President of Reds Dance Company and member of the Roses Dance Ensemble. I have been class representative for Community Service Association for four years. I swam on the Reds swim team for 2 years and will serve as the team manager this winter. I am a member of Power Lunch club which invests school money into the stock market, and FOCUS bible study. I am a Red Key Ambassador, Social Media Ambassador, Peer Health mentor for middle and uppers school students, and a writer and for the RPCS Newspaper.

Sophie's Blogs