Ryan Greenlee

 Name: Ryan Greenlee
 Year: Junior (Class of 2023)
 Clubs/Sports: Cross-country, indoor track, outdoor track and field (Go REDS!), co-vice president of Red Key Club, co-president of Ronald McDonald House Club, Model UN and peer mentor
 Fun Fact: I am pursuing a double language certificate at RPCS in Arabic & Chinese

I’m so excited to write on the blog this year and share my experiences with you all. If you have any questions about RPCS or my experience, feel free to contact me at greenleer@rpcs.org

Ryan's Blogs

Seniors montage 2022
Ryan Greenlee

The first month of school has always been one of my favorite times, the excitement of getting back into classes, seeing my friends and teachers, experiencing the leaves changing colors, and all around the immense amount of joy on campus. I thought I would take this blog post to share some of my favorite moments and highlights from this year so far!

Read More about The Smiles of September