The RPCS Newspaper is proud to announce its release of the first issue of the Reds Report. It was a lot of work, but I was so excited to be a part of it!
The RPCS Newspaper is proud to announce its release of the first issue of the Reds Report.
Newspaper is a new class in the upper school for juniors and seniors. I decided to take Newspaper because I really enjoy writing, and I was excited to give back to the RPCS community. This class offers students a platform to inform the students and faculty about current events in the RPCS community, Baltimore, beyond. Students also write features which are less serious articles about a variety of student interests such as music, vegan cooking, fashion and more. There is also a cartoon caption contest, and a creative writing and visual art piece that is chosen from student submissions by the members of Newspaper to be featured in each issue.
The first theme of the writing and art submissions was “ghosts”. The theme for our next issue, exclusive sneak peak, is “footprints”. Our themes chosen by the group nod to the season of the issue but are meant to inspire students to be creative and interpret it in their own way. Newspaper also highlights our student athletes in our sports recap page. An article is written about each sport team that season and their accomplishments or other memorable moments. Newspaper not only has given me the opportunity to research and write topics that I am passionate about, but it has also taught me about journalism. I have learned about the differences between news articles, editorials, op eds, how to write with a neutral voice, and how reporting is different from the writing in English class. The writers are encouraged to interview students and faculty in the RPCS community as well as professionals outside of RPCS. Interviewing others helps people understand different perspectives, learn more about a topic, and uplift the voices of the RPCS community.
Lastly, the students in Newspaper are constantly working collaboratively with the teaching and guidance of Ms. Schulz. Students often co-author articles with other students, every article is edited by two peers, and everyone is passionate about each of the components that make up the Reds Report.
- Sophie's Blog