The organizations at RPCS allow students to be elected into positions of leadership in settings where collaboration, passion and creativity and critical to success.
Association for School Activities (ASA)
Promotes school spirit and involvement by hosting a variety of activities, most notably the annual Holiday Fair, informal and formal dances, and many holiday events.
Athletic Association (AA)
Promotes school spirit through athletic endeavors. The association attempts to offer a wide variety of athletic activities from spirit contests to interscholastic teams. Each student participates in the Athletic Association through her participation in physical education classes, school spirit at games, and/or interscholastic teams.
Baltimore Girls' School Leadership Coalition (BGSLC)
A leadership program with meetings in December, February, March and April, and an overnight retreat in February. For Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors from several of the Baltimore area girls’ schools (RPCS, BMS, SPSG, GFS, OS, STS). The goals are to establish connections between the girls’ schools, to identify and nurture leaders and potential leaders, to develop leadership skills and techniques, to meet alumnae mentors, to design and implement projects for your school
Community Service Association (CSA)
Identifies issues that impact the most vulnerable members of society and pursue solutions in partnership with the RPCS community. The association provides a forum for the RPCS student body and the opportunity to advance their ideas as well as to implement specific community projects. The association serves as a resource to the community, and encourages awareness and strength among the students of Roland Park Country School.
Fine Arts Association (FAA)
Seeks to promote greater interest in the arts within the school. By arranging assemblies and activities, the association exposes students to the many forms of art, visual and performing. It is responsible for the organization and promotion of special events and art weeks.
Honor Board
A student-faculty committee largely responsible for encouraging appropriate and honorable behavior and for the tone, the behavior, and the discipline of the students. In addition to official action of the Honor Board and the executive committee, each individual member is willing to help and advise her classmates in any situation.
Peer Health
Peer Health’s purpose is to educate the younger girls in the RPCS community and inform them about topics that may trouble them as they transition through adolescence. Peer Health officers have many ideas for orientation/retreat ideas to better train future teachers. The student leaders will be those who are chosen through a selective application process. The goal is to have a maximum of 30 teachers, which will enhance the relationship between peer health teachers and the younger students. The smaller number of teachers will allow more focus and more in-depth conversations in the classroom.
Red Key Ambassadors
Only available to sophomores, juniors and seniors, Red Key Ambassadors have to apply and interview to be a part of this elite group of students who run tours to prospective families.
Roses Repertory Dance Company (Roses)
Roses Repertory Dance Company (Roses) is an auditioned dance ensemble for juniors and seniors. The company will learn repertory choreographed by the teacher, company members and guest artists. Roses is a credit course in the Upper School curriculum.
Semiquavers (Semis)
Semiquavers (Semis) is an auditioned vocal ensemble for juniors and seniors. Students study techniques of good vocal tone production, musicianship, and showmanship. Membership in Chorus is a requirement for audition and participation in Semiquavers. Extensive public appearances in the school and community are an integral part of the Semiquavers experience. Semis is a credit course in the Upper School curriculum.
Somettos is an auditioned vocal ensemble for ninth and tenth graders. Students study techniques of good vocal tone production, musicianship, and showmanship. Somettos is a credit course in the Upper School curriculum.
Student Diversity Association (SDA)
Heightens the awareness, respect, and appreciation of diversity (its presence and contributions in our community) as well as foster a welcoming and non-judgmental atmosphere. Educates the student body and faculty on issues pertaining to all forms of diversity. The association defines diversity as differences in the nature of thought, nurtured by environmental factors such as racial, socio-economic, religious, ethnic, cultural, sexual, political, and ideological orientation.
Student Government Association (SGA)
SGA is the principal governing body of the school. It represents each class through class officers; it represents each student through specifically elected members, and it represents the faculty through two faculty representatives. The SGA organizes various school and student related activities and is responsible for addressing issues within the School. The council’s ongoing goal is to not only address the quality of school life, but also to serve the larger community, and to provide a forum for better communication between faculty, students, and the administration. The Spirit Committee is a sub-committee of SGA.
Student Wellness Organization (SWO)
The Student Wellness Organization exists to promote the mental and physical wellness of the student body by educating the community about health issues and their management. In this way, this organization works to raise awareness of both mental and physical health in the RPCS community while also erasing the stigmas surrounding such topics.