Affinity Groups
The Affinity Groups at RPCS are terrific ways for students who have similar backgrounds or heritages to come together.
Asian Students Alliance
Our purpose is to provide a safe space for Asian students to come together and explore issues similarly experienced due to our shared identity, potentially develop better understandings of our identities, enjoy each other’s company and educate others.
Black Student Union
This club educates others about African American heritage and discusses current issues pertaining to people of color in the community and throughout the world. The club’s members will also demonstrate the seven principles of Kwanzaa.
FOCUS (Fellowship of Christians in Universities & Schools)
This club brings Christian kids in high school together once a week to have discussions about topics related to religion and biblical interpretations, and to create a fun, welcoming atmosphere where anyone can walk in and feel at ease. For more information, visit
Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
GSA strives to bring together students in the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as straight students, to support one another in a safe space. GSA creates a platform for all individuals to work toward racial, gender and social equality.
Hispanic & LatinX/e Student Alliance (HSLA)
The purpose of our club is to create a safe space for Hispanic and LatinX/e students in the Upper School.
Jewish Heritage Club
The purpose of this club is to serve as an affinity space for Jewish students and allies in the RPCS community.
Middle Eastern Student Alliance
The purpose of this club is to provide a safe space for Middle Eastern students to come together to talk and bond over shared experiences.
Multiracial & Multiethnic Club (M&M)
The purpose of this club is to serve Upper School students as an affinity space for those who identify as multiracial/multiethnic in hopes of making RPCS a more welcoming and inclusive space for everyone, including people who do not necessarily fit into one specific category. We hope to educate and advocate for mixed students.
White Students Confronting Racism (WSCR)
We believe it is the responsibility of white students, rather than BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and people of color) students to educate ourselves and others about individual, systematic, and institutionalized racism. Our purpose is to organize educational and community-based initiatives that combat racism locally and on a broader scale.