Third Grade

book club with gilman
marylander project
harvest feast

Third grade girls discover an increased independence and are ready to take charge of their learning.

Grade three is a transitional year between primary and intermediate grades. Girls make the total transition from learning to read to reading to learn, and in this process, they begin to develop the critical thinking skills necessary for evaluating the world around them. They still ask questions, and are encouraged to do so, however their inquiry becomes more specific and purposeful. Third grade girls develop increased independence at this age. They often take charge of their learning and make choices about how to best display their knowledge. They may create a podcast, iMovie, or invent a clever game to demonstrate ideas. Third grade girls are curious and enthusiastic. Their love of learning, and growing ability to connect ideas across disciplines, deepens the experience of school for these young students.  

Special Events in Third Grade

marylander project

Impactful Marylander Project

The third grade social studies curriculum focuses on learning about Maryland history. This focus has a culminating project and presentation in the spring where our students choose an impactful Marylander to study. They create an art piece to accompany their presentation, which is an oral report memorized and recited to parents and friends during a special presentation event.  

Irvine Nature Center, Native American studies

Irvine Nature Center Native American Studies Trip

Our third grade students visit the Irvine Nature Center to learn about the traditions and lifestyles of Maryland’s pre-colonial Native American tribes. As part of their social studies unit focusing on local Maryland Native Americans, our students learned about the ingenious ways that the Native Americans flourished as a community using natural resources to build houses such as the longhouse and wigwam house. 

Book club with Gilman

Book Club with Gilman School

RPCS partners with Gilman School in the third grade for a book club. This is the first structured interaction with the tri-school community in the Lower School and is a fun and educational way to engage with new students and educators. 


Japanese Unit

In our interactive third grade Japan unit, students explore the many facets of Japan's culture. Students will investigate Japan's traditional food, clothing, sports, government, art, schools, holidays and geography of the country.  We read the novel Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes by Eleanor Coerr to supplement the unit. 

harvest feast

Harvest Feasts

In third grade the girls get to harvest the vegetables and herbs that they planted during the spring of the previous school year to create wonderful, garden to table dishes in a beloved harvest feast! The Harvest Feasts occur in the fall and spring and teach the girls the benefits of healthy eating and nutrition while incorporating math and science skills.