In an effort to encourage relationship building, an active lifestyle, and personal learning, RPCS offers our Lower School girls after school clubs and organizations. Our clubs are offered on a trimester basis: fall, winter, and spring. The organizations, including affinity groups, are year round. Some of the offerings include:
The after school clubs that we offer our Lower School girls are inspired by their interests; the topics range from chess to dance, from an eco-explorers club to running. For a full list of the available clubs, visit our School's Out page.
Roland Park Country School welcomes, celebrates, and embraces differences from the very youngest of ages. As such, our ‘Branches and Leaves’ program seeks to affirm the brilliance, power and strength of our students who may not always be in the majority. In order to do so, we have affinity groups that we refer to as ‘Branches and Leaves’. You can learn more about our Lower School affinity groups here.